Field Notes: TO at the Natural History Museum

BxrTIgjCMAAAwmiWhat is something new that you learned?
In a broad sense, I learned that an amazing landmark of culture and science exists a touchdown’s throw from USC stadium! On a micro scale, how the white eyed assassin bug hunts crickets in packs.

What story did you encounter that captured your imagination?
The history of Wild Dogs in North America was especially interesting to me, especially as LA has such a ‘dog’ culture. I was also fascinated by the LA water exhibit (and its throwback to ‘Chinatown’) . Imagining what this city would be like without the water systems that were built to irrigate this vast desert area?

What question did you leave with? What do you now want to know about or explore further?
In line with the water exhibit, who / what is the governing bodies that control our water usage?  What are the conservation bodies in the North America that are protecting our wildlife — I actually don’t know.

What challenged you during the event? [either frustrated you, something you wanted more of/less of, etc]
The dioramas seemed a little old. And there was a lack of audio. Less screaming children? Wait I can’t say that 😉

BxrFZ77CQAA85m_If there were a section of the museum that you could bring to life around you, what would it be? 
All of it! The museum and exhibits inspire me on so many levels (intellectually, creatively) — well I’d want to ‘dive’ into all of them except maybe the deep jungle where there are centipedes (the only insect that really gives me the chills)

How do you imagine this experience would be 20 years in the future?
Immersive. The days of scenes behind glass will be transposed to an augmented reality experience, your narration customized, your experience potentially linked to your neighbor — shared scenes. You’ll know where to go in the museum as your google glass will inform you of the density and volume levels in different rooms. You’ll be able to transfer your personal VR experience back to your 3D desktop to relive. Now with additional ancillary content.

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