Episode 2 – Stop Copying Me, You Lily-Livered Martian!

The ScirensGia MoraTamara Krinsky & Taryn O’Neill — formed our creative team based on a shared love of performing, storytelling and STEM (science, technology, engineering & math). We first came up with the idea for this show because our lives had gotten busier and our individual work was taking us to different places & spaces, making it harder to see one another IRL… so we decided to hop online every couple of weeks to see what STEM stories had caught our attention. We wanted to open the conversation up to all of you — it was time  to launch a show! 

But then COVID19 hit. And we realized that positive stories about science and technology are now more important than ever, as this pandemic has shown in full force how we are all connected and that the incredible work being done by scientists, doctors, biologists, engineers and more needs to be recognized and appreciated. This is a great time to be inspired by STEM stories (plus, we all need to keep our brains busy while we’re stuck inside, right???!). 

In this episode: 
-Martian moles
-The most underappreciated organ in your body
-Human, the imitator

Stay safe. Stay healthy! Stay curious! And tell us what you’re learning in the comments or on social media!

Gia, Tamara & Taryn


🟣 The Liver: A ‘Blob” That Runs the Body: https://nyti.ms/2td3LoX

🟣 Why Imitation is at the Heart of Being Human: https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/why_imitation_is_at_the_heart_of_being_human

🟣 ”I, Pencil” essay: https://fee.org/resources/i-pencil/

🟣 At Long Last, NASA’s probe finally digs in on Mars: https://www.popsci.com/story/space/mars-mole-plan-c/

🟣 NASA InSight Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/NASAInSight

🟣 A Year of Science from the InSight Mars Mission: https://mars.nasa.gov/news/8613/a-year-of-surprising-science-from-nasas-insight-mars-mission/?site=insight

🟣 Cara Santa Maria’s Talk Nerdy podcast featuring:
Ann Druyan: https://www.carasantamaria.com/podcast/ann-druyan
Gia Mora: https://www.carasantamaria.com/podcast/gia-mora
Tamara Krinsky: https://www.carasantamaria.com/podcast/tamara-krinsky
Taryn O’Neill: https://www.carasantamaria.com/podcast/taryn-oneill

🟣 National Geographic’s Cosmos: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/tv/shows/cosmos-possible-worlds


➡️ Website: https://scirens.com

➡️ IG: @scirensofficial (https://www.instagram.com/scirensofficial/)

➡️ Twitter: @scirens (https://twitter.com/scirens)

➡️ Facebook: @scirens (https://www.facebook.com/scirens/)


➡️ Tamara Krinsky: @tamarakrinsky (https://twitter.com/tamarakrinsky ~ https://www.instagram.com/tamarakrinsky

➡️ Gia Mora: @gia_mora (https://www.instagram.com/gia_mora/)

➡️ Taryn O’Neill: @tarynoneill (https://twitter.com/tarynoneill ~ https://www.instagram.com/tarynoneill

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