What is something new that you learned?
Caribou and reindeer are the only members of the deer family in which both males and females have antlers. I thought only male reindeer had antlers. I’m going to have to watch Rudolph more closely this holiday season to see if they’ve gone with the anatomically correct version.
What story did you encounter that captured your imagination?
The LA water exhibit made me think about the great lengths that people have gone to in order to bring water to this city. And with the current drought situation, I couldn’t help but contemplate what might be necessary in the future, as well as the changes we may need to make to ensure that Los Angeles HAS a future.
What question did you leave with? What do you now want to know about or explore further?
Can I muster up the guts to go to the Spider Pavilion, which is opening on September 21st. I have a pretty big case of arachnophobia, but have recently become intrigued with spider webs due to a piece I wrote on the strength of spider silk for the show Frankenstein M.D. I loved seeing the Butterfly Pavilion on visit to the BHM earlier this season, so when the docent mentioned the Spider Pavilion, I got very curious.
What challenged you during the event? [either frustrated you, something you wanted more of/less of, etc]
I wanted more information at my fingertips in the animal halls. Perhaps a multi-media option to plug into. Is there an NMH app?
If there were a section of the museum that you could bring to life around you, what would it be? (the Mary Poppins “jump into the sidewalk chalk picture” question)
I would love to be able to observe (up close!) the baby elephants with their mamas.
Write a headline for your experience today.
Talking and Walking Among the Elephants: A Day at the NMH With Friends

If you could have brought someone, living or dead, to the event with you today, who would it be and why?
I would have liked to have brought writer Brian Switek aka @Laelaps. His books include Written in Stone and My Beloved Brontosauraus. He’s incredibly knowledgeable about dinosaurs and has a great sense of humor…a perfect companion to complement a visit to the NMH.